
English Calendar


      5th          BONFIRE NIGHT 

It's an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain. The Bonfire night commemorate a fail the Catholics try to destroy The Westminster Palace (London). In East England people celebrate with fiework displays and burning of a Guy Fawkes effigy in the bonfires. In Ottery St. Mary throws barrels burning in the streets. 
Traditional Bonfire Night Food: Parkin Cake, Jacket potatoes, Bonfire toffee, Black Peas with vinegar, Candy apples.

Celia González Alaminos

Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachussetts on May 29, 1917. He was the second of nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald. He was the 35th President of the United States. 
On November 22,1963, he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was being driven through the cityin an open-top car. As the car drove into Dealey Plaza, shots were fired. Kennedy was shot once in the throat and once in the head. He was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital. At 1:00 pm, Kennedy was pronounced dead. 
Kennedy had a state funeral three days after his murder, near to the White House.

      24th      THANKSGIVING DAY

Elena Esparrell y Marino Salcedo

It's a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada celebrated on different days: In the United States it is the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada it is the sencond Monday of October. 
The origin of Thanksgiving are very similar in both countries.
This day was born in 1621 to thank a good harvest and the traditional dish is a big turkey.
In this day, people sit at the table with their family and friends to celebrate it.



Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901. He was an American producer, director animator and he founded, along with his brother Roy O. Disney the company Walt Disney. 
Disney acquired worldwide fame as an animator and film productor, and as an innovate entrepreneur in the field of amusement parks.

Elena Esparrel 
 Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10th December. It commemorates the day when, in 1948, the General Assambly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 
In 1950, the Assambly invited all States and organizations that all those who signed te agreement would have to protect Human Rights Day.
The agreement is that all people are equal in relation to rights and freedom, and prohibits discrimination. it also says that Human Rights can not be removed.
One of the most important article is: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights"

          31st NEW YEAR'S EVE
Paula Mª Martín Bonet


Lucía Barranco Ardila 

Añadir leyenda
Sandra Ortega Bautista, 3ºB

Elena Mirabela Badoi y Mª Victoria Salinas
7th: Charles Dickens' birth day

Elena Esparrel

On 7th February  we conmemorate Charles Dickens' Birth Day.
Dickens was a noted English writer and novelist. He was the most well-known writer of the Victorian Era. In his works there are many descriptions of real or imaginary people and places and they belong to literary realism genre.
His most know novels are "Oliver Twist", A Tale of Two Cities" and "A Christmas Carol"

12th: Charles Darwin's birth day
Francisco Javier Rubiño
Darwin's day is a ccelebration to commemorate the anniversaty of the birth of Charles Darwin on 12th February 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contribution to science and to promote science in general. It is celebrated around the world. 
He is known for his contributions to the science of evolution. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors and in a joint publication with Alferd Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.
He died in 1882 and was buried with honours in Westminster Abbey.


Claudia Escámez

David León


1st: Saint David's Day
 People in Wales and those of Welsh origin celebrate the life of their patron saint, St David, and the Welsh culture on 1st March each year.

8th: International Women's Day

It is celebrated all around the world since 1975. It commemorates the movement for women's rights.


1st: Fools' Day  

This day is celebrated in UK on 1st of April by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April Fools. Some newspapers, magazines and other published media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day.
Although popular since the 19th century, it isn't a public holiday in any country.

Evelyn Rodríguez Gutiérrez

22nd: Earth Day

On this day the Earth is recognized as our home and mother promoting acts to respect it.

23rd: World Book Day

 23th: Saint George's Day 

He is the patron saint of England. The legend, dating back to the 6th century tells that St George rescued a maiden by slaying a dragon. The saint's name was shouted as a battle cry by English knights who fought beneath the red-cross banner of Saint George during the Hundred Years War.
On this day, there are concerts, rugby matches and a lot of other activities in England. The people wear a rose and decorate the buildings with the colour of St George's flag. 

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